Title: R.I.P
Author: Mukul Deva
Publisher: Westland
Genre: Fiction
RIP by Mukul Deva is not as strange a novel as the name suggests. Involving all the clichés one would expect in a crime thriller, it is still a gripping novel which binds the reader since the first page.
The story deals with a team of 6 personnel called as K-team (named after their common initial) aka Resurgent Indian Patriots (RIP) and its fight against corruption. Beginning with political murders till shifting the distorted view of good and evil, the novel marks a satisfying and intriguing read. Most of the incidents mentioned in the book feel inspired by real-life scams, similarly many characters portrayed can be easily connected to real people. The best part of the book is the stories of the 6 members of the K-team; their emotions, failures and repletion makes this book a keeper.
Unmasking the real terrorism inside India and dropping the curtain from the common man’s (or say reader’s) eyes, author has done an appalling job. In a nutshell, and I hope I am not giving away any spoiler, this book reminds me of the movie ‘A Wednesday’; which by the way was an awesome movie. But, yes there is always one, even while targeting political corruption, you can feel the writer’s point of view, his opinion and political preferences, which I believe was the worst part of the book. As a great writer once said, a good story starts in the writer’s head and ends in reader’s. I found there was not enough space left for my thoughts to bloom as I was bombarded by K-Team’s virtues of righteousness. In my opinion, the only just way to enjoy this novel would be to forget that it has anything to do with current political scenarios and enjoy the deaths (pun intended).
Also, I am not blaming the author but my overactive imagination which did somehow managed to reveal the twists a couple of pages before and thus ruining my fun of a surprising page-turner. Even with good story and spotless writing (excluding the expletives), RIP misses the breakthrough a reader’s heart aches for.
I never read any work of the author before and even though this book did not blow away my mind, I am looking forward to read his other books. Because an author who can merge real life incidents in a fiction, like Vikas Swarup, and still gives out a paced thriller with a fragrance of Robert Ludlum, is definitely someone to lookout for.
Rating: 3.5/5
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Blogadda.com as part of their book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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