Title: Muck Blossoms
Author: Juna Jinsei
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Genre: Fiction
Set in mid 1800’s Muck Blossoms is the story of Kathleen’s life journey. After losing her mother at a young age, Kate has to grow up fast and become the woman of the house. She lives with her widowed father on a ranch at Wyoming. Growing up in the environment of natural beauty but without law, she became aware of this scary world and continues to struggle through it. She is eager to learn and reads everything she gets her hands on. Kate believes that obstacles led the courage grow and raises her family along with developing an individuality.
She gets tricked and become pregnant out of wedlock. Her father having an abrasive behavior towards her since the beginning releases his wrath on her. The violence and suffering Kate has to put up with is heart wrenching. She has to face the ruthless consequences making her life rushed in desolation. But her outlook, predicaments and decisions make her redeem everything.
In a nutshell, this book is a portrayal of a woman’s inner strength to rise above even with unimaginable losses, emotional wounds and physical abuse. Even in today’s world things like honor killing and violence against women are not obsolete. That is what makes the connection with Kate ticks, leaving this book difficult to put down. Though being an intense story, it doesn’t inspire sadness in the reader but awe towards the protagonist and belief that hope and good always flourishes in the end.
Juna Jinsei has done an amazing work with intriguing story flow, meticulous characterization and fussy historical references. From the picture of the environment to the life cycle of the horses, everything depicts realistic scenario. This book will work as a reference for the future writers. Already at an eminent rank in my library, Muck Blossoms is highly recommended.
Rating: 5/5
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author for reviewing purpose. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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